Friday, January 20, 2017

Little Rock, Central High School

I enjoyed going to Little Rock, Central High School today. The way the school looks is amazing like I've never seen a high school look like that. It definitely reminded me of a castle! I loved the architecture, I like how there's the little pond that shows a reflection of the school when u look in it, and I liked how the front doors are huge and made out of wood . Another thing I like about the school is the little Greek gods they have over the top. I found that interesting because it was an all white school so I wonder why they chose to put Greek gods on it. One thing I don't like is how the kids that go there barely even know the history of their school. I feel like they should know it because there school is very good academically and they were the first school to integrate! Hopefully in the future the school stays popular and ranked high when it comes to academics and also I hope the students do try to learn about there school and embrace the history.

Kelley Sellers, Hope High School 

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