Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 2 of civil rights movement

Today we went to the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, GA. There were a lot of things I liked at the museum. My favorite part of the museum was the lunch counter exhibit . During the lunch counter sit in I had to sit down and listen to some of the things that the guys that sat at the lunch counter had to listen to. I got shook a few times like when I heard one of the voices say "Ima kill you". When I heard this I kinda felt like crying because hearing someone threaten you is a very weird experience . Another time I got shook was when my chair started moving. It felt like actual people were kicking it and I even turned around to check if someone was behind me. After the lunch counter exhibit was done it definitely had an effect on me. All I could think about was how the actual people were feeling when they were the ones getting called names and thrown off their chairs. 

Kelley Sellers, Hope High School

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