Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ordinary people can make a change

Today has been a day full of overwhelming emotions. Yes, the bus rides were long but it was totally worth it. When we arrived at the International Civil Rights Center Museum, so many thoughts were going through my mind. How did they make a diner look like a museum?  What was the point of having an actual KKK outfit before the Hall of shame? Going into the Hall of Shame brought on a surge of emotions for me. Seeing the pictures of the events blown up big and hearing the sounds from that time triggered a feeling deep down. There were some pictures I couldn't look at because knowing what happened and then seeing it in person made me feel like I was there. I'm not sure if that was the intended purpose but I definitely felt it. Going through the rest of the museum was like going through a new world to me. Being in the actual diner where the sit in took place was different. It felt like I had traveled through time. I imagined me being in the diner at the time the sit in took place and just seeing how these people were treated brought tears to my eyes. I wish I was able to say something. The thought of it happening a little over 50 years ago amazes me. It seems like it happened so long ago but in reality it didn't. A lot has changed but clearly in today's society some people are still stuck in time. As far as seeing the statue, I felt honored to be there. It gave me inspiration to do something for change. Ordinary people can make history.

-Kaijah Dawson 

City Neighbors High School

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