Monday, January 16, 2017

Take Me To Church

Today, on our second day of the Civil Rights Trip, we went to Ebenezer Baptist Church first thing this morning. Service was really interesting for me since I attend an Episcopal church, so the atmosphere was entirely different. I felt like there was a much stronger sense of community among the congregation at this church than my own. I felt like I was able to connect with God in a way that I hadn't been able to before.

But when we went to the original Ebenezer Baptist Church, it felt as full as the service we attended this morning, despite there only being a few people present. A recording of Martin Luther King Jr.'s voice boomed through the sanctuary, and I could imagine the pews being filled with people and families of all ages. There was a spirit of togetherness in both churches that made me feel comfortable and secure, so I'm really grateful for that experience.


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