Sunday, January 15, 2017

Civil Rights Trip 2017 - Day 1

Today started as a groggy morning, but it turned out to be an excellent day! First we napped and ate food from our stash that keeps on giving. After a long ride and some socializing, we took our first stop in North Carolina, in front of a Chipotle. (I didn't eat there though. And ate pizza and wings with some new friends.) I was finishing the rest of the pizza with the crew on the bus as we arrived in front of the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.
    The museum was truly intriguing and inspiring. It was also very upsetting too. We started the museum with a movie called Freedom Riders and were split into 2 groups by the colors of our wristbands. (Mine was blue.) We began our tour talking about the Declaration of Independence and "how all men are created equal." The glass we were looking at lit up, uncovering segregation and slave signs, depicting how this was not the case, or at least "everyone is created equal, but not everyone is treated equally." -Ayjah said something along the lines of this. (It's evident this wasn't the case because of the Civil Rights Movement and our recent racial politics shows how we don't treat each other equally.)
   We then walked through the eye opening Hall of Shame, seeing pictures of pure hatred and violence in shards of glass, ex. People being fire hosed down. I found that to be one of the most powerful parts of the museum, as well as seeing the place where the Greensboro Four's influential sit in took place. I was awestruck by the fact that we were standing in a very important place in our history and that I was in the same place as some famous "celebrities". (We watched a documentary called the Southern Lens, and got some background on them.) After checking out the museum, I went to the gift shop.
   Back on the bus, we made our way toward North Carolina A & T. We took some individual pictures of the statues, selfies, and a group pic. It was also very inspiring to be in the presence of these statues. On the bus back, we were handed colored pieces of paper and were told to write a comment, quote, small reflection, etc., of how we felt. We then passed the paper clockwise around the bus till our original got back to us.
   We made our way toward Atlanta, first changing bus drivers in a Carolina. Probably South Carolina. After more napping, we got up and ate dinner at either Theo's or Subway. (I had Subway, but from what I can tell, it seems others were satisfied with their food.) We napped again. We eventually got out of the bus once we came to our hotel.
   It's been a great and energizing day. I'm excited, but also hope I get enough sleep.

-Nina Feliciano

The Park School

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